As Christians, we are called to serve others. We, the people of First United Methodist Church, invite you scroll down to read about the following ministries of our church, and prayerfully consider how you might help grow God’s kingdom here, on earth.
- Free Community Dinners – Held the last Wednesday of each month at First United Methodist Church in the fellowship hall. Come join community members for good food and good fellowship. November’s dinner is on Thanksgiving Day.
- Youth Ministry – Our church participates in the Clyde Community Youth Group ministry. Throughout the school year, the youth in grades 6 – 12 gather bimonthly to enjoy food, fellowship, service and devotions.
- Vacation Bible School – Held for one week in July. All children are welcome to attend, preschool through 6th grade. There are many volunteer opportunities for helping with vacation bible school.
- Angel Tree – At Christmas time, gifts are purchased and delivered to some families residing in the Clyde-Green Springs School District.
- School of Hope Christmas Dinner – Held in early December at First United Methodist Church. Volunteers welcome.
- Bible Studies – The Sisters bible study group meets on Mondays. A small study group meets on Thursdays, in the morning and the evening, to discuss and explore topics that interest the group. There is also an interdenominational study group for young women.
- Congregational Care Team – The goal of the team is to provide a caring ministry to those members and constituents who are in need.
- Flood Bucket and Healthcare Kits – Prepared various times throughout the year and sent to the national United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to be ready for disaster response.
- Caring Closet – Located in the nursery, the Caring Closet will be filled with various items available for anyone in need of them. Donations of toilet paper, feminine products, detergent, spray deodorant, shampoo, conditioner soap, toothpaste and money are gratefully accepted.
Music Ministries
Music has always been an integral and important part of our denomination and assist in strengthening our faith walk. We offer several opportunities to participate in our music ministry, including choral choir, bell choir, praise team, solo music, and other events as are possible.
Opportunities to Serve
- Please click on the link to learn of opportunities to serve locally, nationally and worldwide